Sunday, May 30, 2004

there are those that open u up to something new and exotic...those that are old and familiar...those that bring up lots of questions... those that bring you somewhere unexpected.. those that bring u far from where u started.. and those that bring u back.
but the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of the one u have with yourself..and if u find someone to love the U u love.. well.. that's just fabulous~

Eve @ 2:34:00 AM | comment link here

just finished another episode of sex and the city... omg.. i cried...
it was soooo touching... carrie was going to leave fer Paris to live with her bf.. and the 4 gals had their "last supper"... and they started talking about their friendship.. carrie said "i've been thinking..what it'd be like if i never met u".. then the 4 of them broke down in tears..
when she arrived in Paris.. she thought everything would be perfect.. but things turned out otherwise... her bf~ was so busy with his work...and carrie's alone alot..
while walking down the streets.. she saw 4 gals having lunch.. and she realised how much she missed her pals back home.. :( touching......

Eve @ 1:19:00 AM | comment link here

Saturday, May 29, 2004

went out with chia and the 5 of my babes.. hehe.. was great seeing chia again.. its been soooo long.. and he's still as humorous and comical as before.. never fails to tickle my funny bone..wahahaha.. so glad to have such a teacher in my life~ :D well.. this evening was just great~

Eve @ 12:14:00 AM | comment link here

Friday, May 28, 2004

FANTASSSSIIIIAA!! whoohoo..she won.. gosh. i think she so deserve it.. its like when she sings.. u can feeel her.. haha.. i think she's been through alot.. like having a daughter at 19? maybe that's why she's so emotional. gosh.. so touched when she won and when she sang her single.. i believe.. ahhh....
i seriously think the top 12 this season is fantastic man.. their performance~ whooo...
its like all of them are unique and so different.. american idol--> fantastic show..
hmm.. singapore idol?? we'll see we'll see~

Eve @ 12:20:00 AM | comment link here

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

whohooo... sentosa was fun~ super fun~ haha.. even though we were super slack. its like so torturous to wake up early in the morning and go all the way to sentosa.. but when u reach there.. wah.. paradise!
hmm..played one set of vball and rested all the way..qianhui and i even slept on the mat while we were tanning ok~ hahaa...
everything went well until bathing time~ gosh.. loooong queue! carol, qianhui and i wanted to wait.. but nehz.. cause i think some of them are pissed~
went to cafe cartel to eat dinner! whoohoo!~ the texas rodeo ribs have freakin big bones man.. and the meat are like.. super tough! hahaa... carol was struggling with her ribs too.. argh! qianhui got the best rib~ soft and tender.. wahaha.. duno what i toking about now also..eyes super dry.. think over exposure to the sun~
chatted quite alot with qianhui.. haha.. when she tok very drama.. haha.. which makes it so funny.. :D well..and the first time she tag on my board.. she had to suan me... -_-"
aikz.. kk.. wanna go bathe again.. byeee~

oh oh! saw galvin on my way home... he say i put on weight! haha.. really??? when i've been eating one meal a day~ haha.. then i shld continue eating one meal man~ haha.. :D

Eve @ 10:32:00 PM | comment link here

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

GOT MY NEZ SEM TIMETABLE!!! SAME CLASS AS ADZREE!!!!!!!! hahaha...but too bad syl in a different class already.. gonna miss her so much~ nvm.. still got lectures! hehe.. anyways.. quite happy wiht my timetable.. very reasonable.. and the "slackest" ever since the first 2 sem~ *phewz*.. hehe.. i start at 9 am everday except tues (8am).. mon i end at 5.. tues and wed at 1~ thur at 5.. and fri at 6~.... lalala...
hopefully can mix well with the new class.. cause never really mingle with them fer the first year~ well.. we'll see how~ :D 02 here i come!~ :P

Eve @ 9:14:00 PM | comment link here

Monday, May 24, 2004

lalala.. training was fun!~ but my poor mistress gotta team up with the ah pekz.. haha. now u know how i feel? :D anyways.. rebecca crashed our training.. wow..she's really good.. after so long.. she still has her skills and power man! bu kui shi national player~ haha.. well.. really admire her~ :D thats all thats all~

F.R.I.E.N.D.S!!!!! tata.....

Eve @ 9:46:00 PM | comment link here

I WANT CAESAR SALAD!!!!!!!! urgh!~ im turning desperate.... been craving fer it! ahhh...AHHH! I WANT SALAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eve @ 3:24:00 AM | comment link here

okok.. im so showing off my mom now.. haha.. bear with me~ and enjoy!!!!!

Eve @ 2:17:00 AM | comment link here

went to rachel's bbq today~ whoo.. been eating so much bbq food nowadays.. better detox.. haha..watched final destination.. death death and death.. made me think how much we gotta treasure our lives.. cause u never when ur time is up.. so ya.. cherish EVERYTHING u have now~
one more thing... i think tina(my dog) is dying.. she's becoming so weak.. so frail.. so oldie.. poor thing.. and i think the temperature nowadays is killing her.. bless her..

Eve @ 12:57:00 AM | comment link here

Sunday, May 23, 2004

what am i doing at this hour?? munching on ruffles... watching sex and the city... drinking 1.5 litres of water... dreaming.............

Eve @ 3:28:00 AM | comment link here

Friday, May 21, 2004

its tough being the eldest.. when the road turns bumpy..u gotta be the one to face it. and be strong.. to be there for the rest of ur siblings.. to assure them that everytghings fine..i know things are gonna be fine.. better than fine..

Eve @ 11:23:00 PM | comment link here

do men really suck? we've been talking about male chauvinist all time..but in the society now..are there female chauvinist as well?
ahhh... crapz.. too much of sex and the city~

Eve @ 2:12:00 AM | comment link here

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

oOH.. my vb teammates came to moi house today to have a pre-training mahjong session~ they came at 1115~ was still sleeping then.. still in my pyjamas.. hmm.. so i gave them the mahjong set.. and went back to sleep in my room fer a while~ :D hehe.. until qianhui came and tickle me with her hair! grrr... hahaa...anywyas.. i gotta wake up already.. went down and play a bit of cards.. and a bit of mahjong.. LOSE MONEY AGAIN~ expected~ haha..gosh. im really lousy.. :P
then.. we ate dinner.. and went fer training.. gosh.. we so dread that~ but anyway.. it turned out to be FUN!!!! hehe..its like competitive but super fun~ :D if oni trainign could be like that eveyritme~ hmm... kk.. american idol start oreadi~ byeeeeeeeeeee

Eve @ 10:05:00 PM | comment link here

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

gosh..went to alvin's chalet.. was sleeping the whole time man!~ until his pals came and play mahjong.. couldnt sleep anymore..anyways.. my diarrhoa ok oreadi!! whopee.. really felt damn weak.. its like once i eat something.. out goes something.. u know u know? hai. wun go into the details.. but when i finally feel better..there was NOTHING to eat~ well.. glad that its all over already.. oh yeah.. yihui had diarrhoa after the bbq too.. but a mild one.. so... jelly yihui and i got it~ something must be wrong!~ must be the sotongs.. hai.. duno what im blogging baout right mnow. i seriously need to sleep again.. bye.....

Eve @ 11:16:00 AM | comment link here

Sunday, May 16, 2004

soooo fun!!! haha... it was ladies night out man! haha.. klang drove her dad's car and we went to the airport~ eveyrhtign was like so last min.. but soooo exciting.. haha..
but so sickening ok... i had diarrhoa.. and its really terrible(must be the stupid flies landing on the food we bbqed) ..i even had to use ruiyi's toilet.. cause cannot take it oreadi~ tsk tsk...
well.. i did my thang.. and we headed to the airport~!
we sat at coffee bean and drank our stuff..and took pictures~ hehe.. had a great chat.. :D so fun to just sit down and talk non stop..keke.. we shld do it more often babies! keke...whoopee!!!~

*its ladies night and the feelins right.. oh yes its ladies night*

ok.. gotta go use the toilet again... bless me~

Eve @ 2:35:00 AM | comment link here

Friday, May 14, 2004

whoohoo!!~ sentosa was so nice.. hehe.. feel so bonded.. its nice to feel that u're in a team again~ yeapz.. played beach vball..then had bbq~ gosh.. thats like the highlight of the whole day man.. haha.. the food was great!! cant stop eating~ yumz.. well.. really look forward to go out with my cute and cheerful teammates!! hehe.. u guys rock!

Eve @ 11:19:00 PM | comment link here

Thursday, May 13, 2004

EeEkz!!! LATOYA out???? gosh.. how is that possible.. argh! hai.. but well.. always thougth fantasia's gonna win anyway.. :D
hmm.. went shopping with ruiyi carol and klang today.. gosh.. its like torture shopping!~ haha.. soo super tired.. hmm.. wait.. guess im lazy thats all~ :P but had a great time with them! hehe..
went to far east and then heeren.. but klang and ruiyi gotta go.. so leave me all along with carol *oh no...* haha.. no lah.. she was grreeeat company.. still accompany go eat caesar salad at marche... *tears* haha..
and ya.. i've finally accepted reality.. i cant wear sunglasses... none of them suits me~ so.. if anyone can find one that is absolutely perfect~ u'll be greatly rewarded... yesh yesh.. aint joking~ heez...

Eve @ 11:28:00 PM | comment link here

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

aikz.. training was borring.. haikz..just hate those drills.. haha.. but still ok lah.. well.. been playing vball for like 5 yrs?? gettin bored..:P hehe.. but i must admit.. vball will forever be a part of me...
hmm... ADZREE BDAY TODAY!! happy birthday to you happy birthday to you! happy birthday cutie adzree~ happy birthday to you!!~ hehe.. anyways.. so sorry couldnt had a celebration fer ya.. but we're so gonna party nez time right?? :D
well.. guess that wraps it all up~ :D

Eve @ 11:20:00 PM | comment link here

this is fer my dear fren...... :D
Garth brooks - unanswered prayers

Just the other night a hometown football game
My wife nd I ran into my old high school flame
And as I introduced them the past came back to me
And I couldn't help but think of the way things used to be

She was the one that I'd wanted for all times
And each night I'd spend prayin' that God would make her mine
And if he'd only grant me this wish I wished back then
I'd never ask for anything again

Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs
That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers

She wasn't quite the angel that I remembered in my dreams
And I could tell that time had changed me
Inn her eyes too it seemed
We tried to talk about the old days
There wasn't much we could recall
I guess the Lord knows what he's doin' after all

And as she walked away and I looked at my wife
And then and there I thankedd the good Lord
For the gifts in my life

Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs
That just because he may not answer doesn't mean he don't care
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers

Some of God's greatest gifts are all too often unanswered...
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers

Eve @ 3:07:00 AM | comment link here

Monday, May 10, 2004

What Harry Potter character will you find under your bed? by kaitkaitkait
WhoRemus Lupin
You say:"I suppose a shag is out of the question..."
He says:"I am here for you, my love, in your hour of need. OK, make that four hours."
He comes out, holding abook, entitled 'Wizarding Kama Sutra'.
You react bygetting wet undergarments.
And have the most fantastic sex imaginable, every night for the rest of your lives.
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

WAHAHAHA... this is so lamo.. but anywyas.. jsut fer u guys to have fun with~ :D

Eve @ 11:24:00 PM | comment link here

whoohoo... had training today.. fun fun~ thought my passion for vball was fading.. but i guess this training relit the fire! hehe.. went to eat at ang kiong.. and while waiting for food.. we started talking to the ahpeks (my coach's friends).. they were all so successful..and they were advising us on alot of things.. im thinking now~ am i going to work in a lab forever? hmm... or will i go and do what i wanna and throw away all that i've studies before?~ haikz haikz... i dun wanna grow up~

Eve @ 10:58:00 PM | comment link here

Saturday, May 08, 2004

oOh.. today was a looOoNG day.. last night went to eat staemboat buffet with sherrie and eugene... gosh.. so long no go out with em liao` :D really enjoyed moiself... haha.. sherrie was so cute.. with her "preciiiioousss..... " (lord of the rings) wanted to lol.. haha.. anyways.. after dinner.. went to cineleisure... suppose to watch van helsing.. but all kinda sold out oreadi... sadzz..we were smelling the orchard air while deciding wehre to go.... so finally.. went to eugene house to play mahjong with dewei and alvin... gosh.. they play 20cents/40cents man.. scary... anyways.. lost again..expected.. lost 10bucks~ dewei poor guy..eugene lost 3 bucks... dewei poor guy... lost 23 bucks~ alvin big winner!!~ *box box*
after mahjong eat prata~! haha.. dewei treat.. wah.. then reach home at 5 am! ahh...still gotta wake up at 830 the next day~ almost died ok!
went to m hotel fer audition today... saw nicole again!!` oOh... haha.. mesmerized by her once again... :D so ya.. thats about all~ wheeeheee....

Eve @ 10:28:00 PM | comment link here

Thursday, May 06, 2004

yay!!! first day of work... took my file and went to far east.. haha.. at the beginning so scaredy man.. dun dare to approach anyone.. haha..then after a while.. i dun care liao.. go adn attack pple... so sick man.. want to look for cute looking guys.. so difficult...grrr.. all ah mas around me... hai...but there were some goodlooking ones.. but hard to approach... so..decided to target all the youngsters... funny.. met alot of diff kinds of pple today.. eye opener i guess.. met this hunky guy (goo dlooking) and dances ballet...... this nerdy gal dances hip hop... and lotza interesting couples.. wahaha...
anyways.. might be switching from outdoor job to indoor once in a while... :D oOh... saw klang today!! haha... so cute she.. so kind of her to fill up the form for me... glad i see her man.. if not i really bored to death.. no one to talk to.. haha..
went to have dinner wiht kelvin...and now im home!!!!~ hai.. tired tired... even though work for 1 and a half hours onli... :P haha...

Eve @ 8:00:00 PM | comment link here

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

oOoH!!!! im back from chalet!! wah.. cannot take it~ gotta detox!~ get my beauty sleep! haha..chalet was fun fun fun!!!~ i loved it~ haha... played stupid games... draw faces... make-up for guys.. man.. they're pretty! haha..gosh.. there's just too much to say.. wish i could post pics.. but lazy to find server to upload.. anywyas... BIE ROCKS BIG TIME!!!!!!!! whoohoo!!!~

*pals..remind me to send the pics to ya all~*wahaha... really funny...

Eve @ 11:55:00 AM | comment link here

Sunday, May 02, 2004

oOh.. went out wiht my cousin today!~ too bad.. not all of them cant make it.. but was soo happy to see meng yin! :D such a pretty babe... really miss her loadz.. and of course the rest of the cousins...think we should really have more cousin gatthering.. keke.. cause we've missed out too many of each other.. well.. how i wish we can just hang out whenever.. wherever... well.. hope that day comes soon!~ hehe...
went to eat dinner wiht moi family.. crab!~ mmMm.. yum yum... but eating crab;s definitely least fer me.. haha.. its like u struggle fer so long...and in the end... that piece of long awaited fleshy meat just flies of ur fingers and lend on the dirty table~ argh................ simply frustrating..guess thats why i love soft shell crab... just eat the whole thing~ :P
oorights.. enuff of crappin...

*chalet chalet tomolo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~*

Eve @ 9:58:00 PM | comment link here

AHHH!!! BEAUTIFUL BOXER! whooho... great movie.. highly recommended... :D one of my personal favourites..hehe...
anyways.. the outing today was GREAT!!! so nice to meet up with all the beautiful babes of mine! haha.. thats riight.. MINE! :P too bad klang cant make it~ if not it'll be even better!~ really miss her loadz... anyways.. we went to sing at kstar...went to eat at fish and co.. adn went to walk around PS~ then the tampines pple decided to catch a movie... so we did! haha.. just got home... LURVE YA ALL BABE! and THANX FER THE SMASHING GREAT TIME!~ meet up soon yea?~?~

Eve @ 1:44:00 AM | comment link here


school: Temasek poly


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Pris ma
Ming li
You qi
Yuan Zhang
Eunice Khong
Ho Yin
Eng Meng



